DevOps Practices that Matters a Lot

Everything is Kubernetes

Frigga is a Kubernetes Management Framework. Frigga offers fully managed application deployments, databases, cache, queues and much more and everything is a Kubernetes pod.

Even Scales Monoliths

Frigga offers ubuntu based VM on Kubernetes called - Hydraenium. With this you can horizontally scale even a monolith deployments.

Enable Multi/Hybrid-Cloud Setup

Frigga is supported on all the cloud platforms. And Frigga can also paralley host applications on multiple cloud platforms at the same time.

Intelligent Optimization

Frigga monitoring is coupled with built-in intelligece which optimizes cloud resources for up-time, traffic, scale and cost. This helps you save 30-60% on cloud cost.

Agile for Customizations

Frigga is 100% customizable. Install any and every docker-based application on Frigga managed Kubernetes cluster and get manage anything and everything via dashboards.

Read detailed use-cases to understand - How Frigga Suite can transform your DevOps experience?